Sura Family Reunion July 28th, 2018
"The Sura reunion will be starting at 12:00 Noon, Saturday, July 28, 2018, at the St. John's Orthodox Picnic Grounds, Fulton St., Hawk Run, PA.
PLEASE RSVP BY JULY 5th!! [We need to get a head count]
(We had approx. 88 people at the reunion in July 2014)
Look in the Photos section for a gallery of the 2016 and previous reunion pictures.
Points of contact are: (remove spaces from email addresses)
George Sura,,
tel (814-342-4054, cell (814) 553-0076.
Gloria Taylor,
tel (574)215-5199.
Heather Johnson,,
Verna Czap, tel (814) 342-1697
We have reserved the hall at St.John's same as last year.
Please bring a wrapped gift for the auction, indicating ages, gender and/or household/family.
The menu will be basically the same as the previous reunion. If possible, please bring a dessert, or watermelon/cantelope for a fruit salad.
We hope all are able to attend, but if you can't we will understand.
Heather Johnson was elected as Vice-President. Remember, Many hands make for light work.
God Bless All.